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經典白吐司 Classic Toast

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課程簡介 潔白柔軟的白吐司,是一款百搭的經典基礎麵包,其用料簡單,味道純粹,組織富有彈性和韌勁,麥香濃郁,清新微鹹,是我最喜愛也最慣常製作的一款吐司。 本次課程將會從認識材料、工具使用以及模具選擇開始,再到如何揉麵、麵團整形、發酵烘烤等環節,將細緻地由淺入深帶著大家一起學習,烘焙小白也絕對可以跟得上喔!期待與您一同快樂地做麵包! 課程內容包括: 1.白吐司的特點與課程介紹 2.食材的介紹&模具的選擇 3.使用廚師機揉麵的正確步驟 4.麵團分割、擀卷整形、發酵程度等要點的介紹和示範 5.烘烤的注意事項 6.吐司的保存及食用方法 7.課程總結 Course Introduction Classic toast is a versatile traditional basic bread. It has simple ingredients, pure taste, elastic and rugged texture, rich wheat aroma, and fresh and slightly salty. It is my favorite and most commonly made. This course will start with knowing the materials, the use of tools, and the selection of molds, and then how to knead the dough, shape it, ferment it, and bake it. Keep up! Happy Baking! Course content includes: 1. Characteristics and course introduction 2. Introduction of ingredients & selection of molds 3. The correct steps for kneading the dough using the kitchen machine 4. Introduction and demonstration of dough division, rolling and shaping, fermentation degree, etc. 5. Precautions for baking 6. How to store and eat suggestions 7. Course Summary




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